Add PMP® Exam Preparation to Your Course Offerings with CertWise® by Holmes Corporation.

The Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification is held by more than 720,000 professionals around the world and continues to grow at a rapid rate. If your institution is interested in offering PMP exam preparation, you’ll be excited to hear that Holmes Corporation now offers student and instructor course materials under our new CertWise brand. You’ve come to expect only the highest quality training materials from our team, and this new program is no exception!

Top 10 reasons to offer PMP exam prep with CertWise

  1. Meet local demand for high quality PMP exam prep. PMP certification is recognized around the globe and across industries. Take advantage of this certification that enjoys brand recognition, high demand, and continuous growth.
  2. Adopt premium quality course materials. The CertWise® Learning System for PMP® Exam Preparation includes comprehensive reading materials, interactive online study tools and instructor materials (see below for details).
  3. Trust a course with high praise from other partners. Launched in 2016, several partners around the globe have offered courses with rave reviews from administrators, instructors, and students.
  4. Expand your partnership with Holmes Corporation. You know and trust the quality and service we offer. Over 1.5 million professionals worldwide have prepared for certification exams using our premium quality learning systems.
  5. Eliminate ongoing maintenance. Materials will be updated with changes to the PMP® Examination Content Outline and PMBOK® Guide so you never have to think about aligning your materials. We’ve got you covered.
  6. Add technical support. Support is provided by CertWise’s Customer Care and IT teams for you, your instructors, and your students.
  7. Enjoy online progress tracking that allows you and your instructors to monitor the progress of individuals and class sessions and focus instruction on difficult topics.
  8. Customize your course syllabus and PowerPoint slides for corporate clients or specialized implementation.
  9. Take advantage course promotion. CertWise will promote your course on and provide marketing support, advice and tools to help make your course a success.
  10. Simplify your R.E.P. application. Project Management Institute (PMI)® has named CertWise as a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.). Should you wish to apply for R.E.P. status, this will dramatically simplify your application process.pmilogofooter2